Friday, June 12, 2009

Rocker Refab

My dad's girlfriend Gina is the world's best gift giver. She has the ability to find a novelty gift that I just love. For Mother' Day she sent me a musical card that played "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." It said to relax and rejuvenate - I deserved it. Tucked inside the card was a Yankee Candle car scent called Island Spa. It is a small gift that says "I am thinking about you."

When both my kids were born she got knitted sweaters with their names on them. After Isaac grew out of his I put it on a teddy bear that he sleeps with. He calls it his "Isaac bear."

I found this brand new teddy bear at a yard sale for $.75. Score! All I needed to do to it was cut the red ribbon off of it (yes, I saved it -in case you were wondering).

Plus I had this sweet little rocker that Tim's grandpa gave us. It was Tim's mom's rocker when she was a little girl. It had been taking up room in our playroom but Isaac never used it. I loved the thought of picturing Tim's mom rocking on it when she was a little girl and now my little girl will use it someday.

Since it was so old I decided to sand, prime, and then paint it. I reupholstered the seat with some leftover fabric and plopped "Kayla bear" on it.

"Kayla bear" now sits in Kayla's room ready to be cuddled one day when she is a little bit older.


  1. That is so sweet! Beautiful job!

  2. Aw, geez, that is so cute!!!
    And, duh, of course you kept the ribbon. It's a nice ribbon! And I've been hoarding ribbon lately as badly as you hoard boxes. : )

  3. Precious! Isn't furniture that is handed down with sweet sentiment the best?

  4. Great way to keep a sentimental piece in the family while making it unique and special -- the rocker was in great condition! I'm sure Tim's mom is really happy with how you made her contribution of family heritage special for her grand-daughter. Cute Kayla bear, too!

  5. Love it! From the heritage of the chair, to the sentiment of the sweater, and of course how picture perfect to have matching (yet different) items for your children. So very sweet!

  6. The chair looks so great! Good work! :)

  7. Was looking for a way to e-mail you, but couldn't find one. I just wanted to say that I found your blog a few days ago and have spent the past few days reading, reading, reading. You're a riot and I've subscribed. ;)

  8. I know Shannon (a little). We went to church together in Hockinson many moons ago. We have mutual friends Jensens. I LOVE LOVE your blog! You are amazingly creative. Blessings!

  9. Cute, cute, cute! That is a really cute rocker... and now it looks great and will be loved even more. : )

    Eddie has Ed's old rocker, it's red and has "Eddie" on it from when Ed was little. : ) Katie has my rocker... my grandparents had it reupholstered for her. : ) Funny... I didn't realize other people cherished things like baby rockers. : )

  10. I need to set up an automatic comment for your blog. It would go something like this...

    "That is so awesome! I'm totally impressed by your super human crafty skills."

    Then I could just have it on all your posts :)


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